2 sets at 4’ by 11’ on 1/2” MDO, fabricated and installed (by OZMA) on existing post structure, lettering enamel
Here is a night shot of the finished, installed sign. I had a lot of fun on the design, an opportunity to play with regional, and really just an excuse to paint saltillos, which I am mad about. About 60 hours for these faces.
John and Joy are a lovely couple and comped us to the best dinner we have had in years in their fine restaurant.
A color comp for the sign. Once this tightly pencil-drawn design (1 of 3) was chosen, I made a paper copy of that scale drawing and painted it with q-tips and lettering enamel to do the color breakdown. This was the final choice of probably 4 versions.
A detail of the boards.
The seam required careful handling in both layout and painting. The stripes were about 3/8” wide, and I mixed about 25 colors for this signboard.
A closeup of the seam.
I butt the edges at time of layout to ensure tight work.